The brainchild of attorney, Ken Hardison, PILMMA will help you scale your law firm for greater growth and success through membership-based opportunities.
The brainchild of attorney, Ken Hardison, PILMMA will help you scale your law firm for greater growth and success through membership-based opportunities.
The brainchild of attorney, Ken Hardison, PILMMA will help you scale your law firm for greater growth and success through membership-based opportunities.
Some Law Firm Growth Strategies are not for the faint at heart – but bold moves can yield huge returns – especially when it comes to Law Firm Growth by Acquisition.
Here’s what we know right now: There’s never been an easier time to obtain equity or SBA Fund Financing for law firm acquisitions than today. In years past, these companies perceived law firms as too risky – or speculative to value. Not so in 2022. More available cash means growing your law firm but purchasing another firm has become a viable option.
And to create the perfect storm – in a good way – significant numbers of baby boomer law firm owners are reaching retirement age and looking for their Exit strategy.
The convergence of these two marketing dynamics can result in a powerful Law Firm Growth Strategy if you are willing to seize the opportunity.
Now comes the disclaimer – Buying a Law Firm is significantly more complex than purchasing a vacation home. There are a number of key issues to consider –
First off, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. If you are already struggling and don’t have positive revenues as well as systems and processes in place for scalable growth – then the Growth by Acquisition strategy isn’t a wise move. If you fall into this category, your first matter of business is to get your existing “house” in order before thinking about buying another firm.
However, if your firm is running smoothly, and on the upswing already, then buying another law firm may well be your fast-track ticket to greater growth.
Finding the right law firm to purchase – and knowing how to properly value a prospective firm is critical. While purchasing a strong firm can catapult your growth, purchasing the wrong firm can create immeasurable headaches and financial drain. There are numerable factors that go into evaluating a prospective law firm. You will need to peruse financial data carefully and have a clear understanding of how that firm operates, and their existing case inventory. You need to understand their current place in the market, their branding, etc. You need to be aware of any problems the firm is experiencing, so you are able to go into the deal with your eyes open.
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Richard Cadbury had a brilliant idea- to create a heart-shaped box, embellished with images of Cupid and filled with his company’s new eating chocolates. He even marketed these boxes as having a dual purpose; Eat the delicious chocolates and reuse the beautifully embellished boxes to hold momentous and such.
The Valentines Chocolate Box was born.
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JOHNNY, AMBER & ME: Law Firm Marketing to Build your Fan Base-
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Broadcast is now starting. All attendees are in listen only mode. Good afternoon folks. And welcome to this special webinar, hosted by Peloma. The powerful, innovative legal marketing and management association. Today’s webinar is the seventh in our coronavirus survival webinar series. Today’s topic is the heart of marketing during COVID-19 joining pillar, president and founder, Ken Hardison, who is also serving as this afternoon’s moderator are Jason Melton,
Justin lovely, and Leshanna council Rogers, a few items before I turn...
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