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Added on 29 June 2022
Choosing the best attorney intake software for your firm can be daunting; however, if you get it right, better software can have a greater impact on long-term firm profitability than any single employee or case.

But how do you figure out which software solution is right for you? After all, every firm is different. Below, you’ll find suggestions along with questions and answers for buying the right legal intake solution for your firm.

What Is Attorney Intake Software?

Attorney intake software, or legal intake software, allows you to find, engage, and sign new clients in order to drive your law firm’s success. Legal intake management software also provides long term insight into new kinds of valuable cases that will drive your firm’s future. In short, client intake software for lawyers can help you dramatically increase your conversion rate and sign the types of clients and cases you want, enabling an increase in revenue.

Legal Case Software

What Are the Benefits of Legal Intake Software?

There are two main benefits to legal intake software: it helps you identify more cases, and it helps you prioritize those cases, ensuring your firm is running at optimal efficiency.

Getting More Cases

While a strong marketing strategy is essential to drawing new clients to your firm, without world-class legal client intake software, you will miss out on some of your best cases. Why? Because of human errors, missed communication cues, and other small delays that add up to a mediocre intake process.

Prioritizing Your Cases

Legal intake software allows you to easily identify and prioritize the clients you want in real time. Prioritizing your most valuable cases in a way that’s meaningful to your firm right at intake helps ensure higher value throughout the entire case workflow. Knowing which cases are likely to be good ones allows you to focus on those instead of wasting energy chasing cases you don’t want.

Legal Intake Management Software Features Every Firm Needs

You probably already know the benefits of legal intake software. But how do you choose from all of the options on the market? Here are some key features your intake software should have if you want to get significant benefit from it.
Read More: https://www.pilmma.org/blog/how-to-choose-the-right-legal-case-software/


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