PILMMA-Law Marketing

The brainchild of attorney, Ken Hardison, PILMMA will help you scale your law firm for greater growth and success through membership-based opportunities.
  • Providing POWERFUL and INNOVATIVE training.
  • USA
The brainchild of attorney, Ken Hardison, PILMMA will help you scale your law firm for greater growth and success through membership-based opportunities.
  • Providing POWERFUL and INNOVATIVE training.
  • USA
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Providing POWERFUL and INNOVATIVE training and tools that help lawyers achieve their ideal practice. https://www.pilmma.org/ More
Added on 07 July 2022
Most lawyers have no idea that they should be creating a niche practice, much less how to make it happen. But this will get you way ahead of the curve and can begin reaping the benefits that law firms who have leveraged a niche market are enjoying now. Increased Revenue. Market Domination. Higher Value Cases.

The broadcast is now starting. All attendees are in listen only mode. Well, hello everyone. This is Ken Hardison and welcome to another monthly Pyrmont webinar.

Added on 07 July 2022
While many of the above questions seem random, and frankly wide in scope, there is, in fact, a calculated reason behind each one. And the countless others that need to be addressed. Historically, custom-designed television media buying strategies have been the driving force behind successful law firm marketing. And to a degree, that still holds true even in today’s digital world. However, it’s the implications of that digital world which call for the above questions.

A law firm’s clientele no longer

Added on 07 July 2022
Wouldn’t it be fantastic to get them without spending a fortune chasing down the latest digital marketing strategies?

But avoid getting drowned out by other law firms that are all clamoring for the same client, and trying to differentiate your firm isn’t easy.

If it were, every law firm would be generating 8-figures- and you wouldn’t be reading this blog- you’d be in Fiji sipping cocktails-

Getting more cases doesn’t have to be a mystery or elusive objective. And your size

Added on 06 July 2022
We’ve long known the benefits of affirmation and appreciation. Who doesn’t like hearing that they’ve done a good job or that the work they are doing matters? The more we feel appreciated, acknowledged, and affirmed, the happier we are and the harder most of us work to do a good job. It’s human nature. It starts when we can barely walk, proceeds through our school-age years, and continues throughout our adult life. In our personal lives, we readily recognize how

Added on 06 July 2022
Each year, the experts at Consultwebs compile insights and qualitative data about the legal services industry, to create our Legal Marketing Trends and Predictions Guide, and so it is with great pleasure that we share with you, one of the sections from this year’s Guide, on law firm web design.

Claim your free copy of the Guide, HERE.

2021 Legal Marketing Web Design Trends

Law firms are among the many verticals grappling with the tectonic shift in consumer behaviors around digital marketing

Added on 05 July 2022
The last few years have been crazy, haven’t they?

And law firm owners – like business owners all across the globe, have become forcibly versed in the “Pandemic Pivot.” Never before has the sink-or-swim mentality been more relevant or necessary for law firm viability. For almost two years, it has been “Pivot, or Perish,” in steroid mode.

A few weeks ago, I attended the PILMMA Super Summit in Washington DC. The Summit was originally slated for the Ritz Carlton Hotel in

Added on 05 July 2022
When most of us think about our clients, one of the first things that come to mind is a mental picture of that client who is being a pain in the proverbial butt. You know, the one you just can’t please – that’s always calling and complaining. (And typically, these are the clients you’ve done the most for or whose case is small enough you regret taking it in the first place). Or maybe you think of the client whose

Added on 03 July 2022
We all have unique abilities, including both strengths as well as weaknesses. One of the biggest keys to success is learning to focus your time, energy, and efforts on developing and using your strengths.

Stop trying to focus on developing your weaknesses. Now I’m all about self-improvement, don’t get me wrong. But, when it comes to growing your law firm, you need to shift your mindset. Spend more of your precious time leveraging your strengths than trying to improve your weaknesses.

Added on 03 July 2022
So you’re coming to New Orleans for PILMMA’s Summit. Well, you’re in luck as I’m about to dish out my must see, do, visit list while in New Orleans, from someone born and raised in this great city.


First up, you’re lucky to have Summit at a hotel in arguably one of the most interesting and unique neighborhoods in the U.S. The French Quarter is an incomparable experience due to its history, culture, architecture and amenities. Take at least a few

Added on 03 July 2022
If we are serious about living out our core values as a company, then it seemed that core Value #4 gave us the plumb line. If we had opted for a hybrid- like vaccines, or a negative test within the last 72 hours- it simply didn’t seem tenable. We imagined attendees trying to get a test the day before they flew out to New Orleans, and then trying to scramble to get another test during the Conference. That presented a