Sajin Rajan

  • 3651 Lindell Rd., Suite D1050, Las Vegas, Nevada 89103
Sajin Rajan, Co-founder, and Director at Epixel solutions is an enthusiastic business professional with 10+ years of experience in software development.
  • CFO at Epixel MLM Software
  • 3651 Lindell Rd., Suite D1050, Las Vegas, Nevada 89103

Sajin Rajan

Sajin Rajan, Co-founder, and Director at Epixel solutions is an enthusiastic business professional with 10+ years of experience in software development.
  • CFO at Epixel MLM Software
  • 3651 Lindell Rd., Suite D1050, Las Vegas, Nevada 89103
Sajin Rajan, Co-founder, and Director at Epixel solutions is an enthusiastic business professional with 10+ years of experience in software development.
  • CFO at Epixel MLM Software
  • 3651 Lindell Rd., Suite D1050, Las Vegas, Nevada 89103
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Added on 22 March 2021
Do you know your Audience? Are they

Baby Boomers?
Gen Xers?
Gen Zers?

Knowing your group is the mainstay of developing your business. In products, content or approach, each group has diverse attitudes. Knowing the right approach will take your business to new dimensions.

Look at the diverse age groups in #directselling and the statistics they deliver is pretty exciting!!!


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Owning an IT company with 100+ employees was a dream. With strong determination and planning, the dream has become a reality with Epixel Solutions. Our flagship product, Epixel MLM software, became More
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