Sajin Rajan

  • 3651 Lindell Rd., Suite D1050, Las Vegas, Nevada 89103
Sajin Rajan, Co-founder, and Director at Epixel solutions is an enthusiastic business professional with 10+ years of experience in software development.
  • CFO at Epixel MLM Software
  • 3651 Lindell Rd., Suite D1050, Las Vegas, Nevada 89103

Sajin Rajan

Sajin Rajan, Co-founder, and Director at Epixel solutions is an enthusiastic business professional with 10+ years of experience in software development.
  • CFO at Epixel MLM Software
  • 3651 Lindell Rd., Suite D1050, Las Vegas, Nevada 89103
Sajin Rajan, Co-founder, and Director at Epixel solutions is an enthusiastic business professional with 10+ years of experience in software development.
  • CFO at Epixel MLM Software
  • 3651 Lindell Rd., Suite D1050, Las Vegas, Nevada 89103
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Added on 11 May 2021
18 out of the top 50 direct selling companies have surpassed $100 million year-on-year revenue in 2020.

However, outgrowing their competitors was not a cakewalk for them. Neither did it involve rocket science. It was just a matter of pure passion, resilience, and hard work.

Their success, achievements, and interesting industry stats that steered them to victory is a subject worth a thought.

#directsales #mlmcompanies #mlmsuccess #epixel

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Owning an IT company with 100+ employees was a dream. With strong determination and planning, the dream has become a reality with Epixel Solutions. Our flagship product, Epixel MLM software, became More
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