The brainchild of attorney, Ken Hardison, PILMMA will help you scale your law firm for greater growth and success through membership-based opportunities.
The brainchild of attorney, Ken Hardison, PILMMA will help you scale your law firm for greater growth and success through membership-based opportunities.
The brainchild of attorney, Ken Hardison, PILMMA will help you scale your law firm for greater growth and success through membership-based opportunities.
And law firm owners – like business owners all across the globe, have become forcibly versed in the “Pandemic Pivot.” Never before has the sink-or-swim mentality been more relevant or necessary for law firm viability. For almost two years, it has been “Pivot, or Perish,” in steroid mode.
A few weeks ago, I attended the PILMMA Super Summit in Washington DC. The Summit was originally slated for the Ritz Carlton Hotel in New Orleans. But between Pandemic numbers soaring in Louisiana and the convergence of Hurricane Ida’s fury in a head-on trajectory for the Big Easy – PILMMA pivoted to DC for its yearly Legal Marketing and Management Super Summit.
Thus, I found myself in the nation’s capital (walking the same streets as the angry mob that had stormed the capital earlier this year – but THAT’s a story beyond the scope of this blog, definitely.)
Back to the story…Whenever I’m attending a Legal Conference – especially PILMMA’s Super Summit, I can’t help but feel the excitement and expectation in the air. It’s almost palpable. I’ll be honest here – At least for me, there is a special magic when one is surrounded with your “tribe”- a host of like-minded lawyers. There’s the inside jokes and jargon and the shared challenges that are universal to business owners everywhere but with unique twists respective to law firm owners. At the Summit, we’re a club of our own, with each attendee there for the same purpose; to gain the cutting-edged secrets that will enable them to reach their ideal clients, stand out from the masses of other law firms in their markets, and sign MORE CASES.
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Buying a Law Firm is Law Firm Growth on Steroids. And Selling your Law Firm can be your Perfect Exit Strategy-
But Growth by Acquisition can be tricky business – Making this strategy work is all about picking the right firm, at the right time, at the right price and going about the purchase the right way.
In Part 1 of this 2-Part Series on Buying and Selling Law Firms, I introduced the concept of Law Firm Growth by Acquisition – including...
Data is powerful because it allows you to make improvements as you go. Not only does it help you understand your customers’ behavior, but it also enables you to predict market behavior, streamline processes, and answer many of the questions you really need answered as a business.
Although data is powerful, consolidating it when it’s scattered around can be challenging to say the least. This is where Google Analytics comes in: It helps you measure your advertising, website, and social channels’...
Since 2018, the number of firm respondents that indicated having a website has climbed from 77% to 94% in 2021. It’s clear that many are jumping on this bandwagon in order to generate and convert leads. When speaking of online lead generation, a perfect landing page is the most important element.
Law firm landing pages are personalized web pages created for your online advertising campaigns. These pages are specifically created to help generate leads, sales, conversions, or make the visitor take...
Each year, the experts at Consultwebs compile insights and qualitative data about the legal services industry, to create our Legal Marketing Trends and Predictions Guide, and so it is with great pleasure that we share with you, one of the sections from this year’s Guide, on law firm web design.
Claim your free copy of the Guide, HERE.
2021 Legal Marketing Web Design Trends
Law firms are among the many verticals grappling with the tectonic shift in consumer behaviors around digital marketing...
Some Law Firm Growth Strategies are not for the faint at heart – but bold moves can yield huge returns – especially when it comes to Law Firm Growth by Acquisition.
Here’s what we know right now: There’s never been an easier time to obtain equity or SBA Fund Financing for law firm acquisitions than today. In years past, these companies perceived law firms as too risky – or speculative to value. Not so in 2022. More available cash means growing...
JOHNNY, AMBER & ME: Law Firm Marketing to Build your Fan Base-
Unless you’ve been hiding under the proverbial rock, then you are aware of the bitter court battle unfolding between Johnny Depp, and his x-wife, Amber Heard. If you’ve been following the sordid trial, you now likely know more about their marriage than you do those of your family or friends. And even if you aren’t personally interested in this current courtroom spare, loads of your potential clients are. All around the world, viewers are glued to their flat screens or mobile screens, checking out the unfolding Depp/Heard saga.