PILMMA-Law Marketing

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The brainchild of attorney, Ken Hardison, PILMMA will help you scale your law firm for greater growth and success through membership-based opportunities.
  • Providing POWERFUL and INNOVATIVE training.
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PILMMA-Law Marketing

The brainchild of attorney, Ken Hardison, PILMMA will help you scale your law firm for greater growth and success through membership-based opportunities.
  • Providing POWERFUL and INNOVATIVE training.
  • USA
The brainchild of attorney, Ken Hardison, PILMMA will help you scale your law firm for greater growth and success through membership-based opportunities.
  • Providing POWERFUL and INNOVATIVE training.
  • USA
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Added on 02 July 2022
January 2022 is here in full force and the big question is, what will you do TODAY to make BIG things happen in your law firm for 2022?

While I’m not knocking a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) – sometimes it’s the little tweaks you make to your life that yield the best returns. True in life and true in your law firm. One of the reasons our best-laid plans and new year’s resolutions go awry is that we set lofty goals but lose our motivation somewhere along the way. Its why gyms are packed in January but not so much by March. Radical diets that sound great in January seem laughable by mid-year. And why many law firm owners’ BIG Goals set at the beginning of a new year turn into wishes and “maybe- next year” hopes by the middle of the second quarter.

Remember the old children’s fable about the tortoise and the hare? The little Peter-Rabbit bunny (or Bugs Bunny, depending upon your personal taste…) starts strong in his race against the slow but steady turtle. However, life gets in the way for the upstart rabbit and our hero, the little tortoise, stays the course, nose to the grindstone, and wins the race. I think Verne Harnish, in his classic book, The Rockefeller Habits, has some great insights into how we, as business owners, can create momentum for sustainable business growth and increased goal-driven results. Harnish sheds light on how we can win the race when it comes to attaining the goals we set for our law firms in the coming year. And the best part is that this simple strategy isn’t rocket science. Moreover, it takes only about 7 minutes a day!

This simple 7-minute strategy will not only help you set your firm on track to meet your goals in 2022 but will also help you increase law firm communication, heighten employee motivation, and strengthen your firm’s culture. Sound too good to be true? I’ll admit I was a skeptic when our company began putting this 7-minute strategy into place a few years ago. But now that it has become a firmly established business practice, I can say without hesitation that this simple strategy has helped our company stay on track to achieve our quarterly and yearly goals while also helping to solidify our company’s culture and increase quality communication and productivity.
Read More: https://www.pilmma.org/blog/law-firm-marketing-in-2022-guide-to-getting-more-done-in-just-7-minutes-a-day/

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Providing POWERFUL and INNOVATIVE training and tools that help lawyers achieve their ideal practice. https://www.pilmma.org/ More
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