Multilevel marketing is a popular business strategy adopted by many countries for the distribution of their products or services. The distributors can add more recruits under them and these distributors are independent. They can receive a commission or bonus based on their recruits. Some people consider this as a scam but in reality, these MLM ( ) strategies have been adopted by many countries and they are offering people to earn a handsome income.
Direct selling association ( is a national trade association that supports direct selling companies. The DSA has presented awards in seven different categories for the companies to honor for their outstanding performance. Amway, the top direct selling company for years has achieved an award in the category of “ Excellence in Business Training” for their contribution in “Project Light Speed”. It also maintained to be in the list of top 25 direct selling companies based on the largest net sales. In 2019 Amway ( has grabbed an award in the category of Excellence in Business Training.
Read out the blog to know more about DSA award winners:
There is also a list of the top 25 direct selling companies based on the largest net sales. It includes companies like Amway, Nu Skin Enterprises, Modere, Medifast, etc. This implies that many companies are experiencing positive growth and also they are been able to aware people about the positive impacts of the industry.
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Epixel MLM software is integrated with the latest technologies such as business intelligence, intelligent automation, data analytics, etc to successfully organize every network marketing and direct selling More
According to a survey conducted, at least 1 out of 13 adults have participated in an MLM business ( ). There are over 6.8 million distributors in the United States alone. This data shows the popularity of MLM industry among people. With the rising popularity, the competition to drive distributors to an MLM company is also growing.
The quality of products or services is an element that helps MLM companies to cope up with the rising competition in the...
In today’s competitive marketplace all you need to stay connected with your customers is to have an exceptional strategy delivered straight to their fingertips. With several marketing strategies in place, it’s difficult to differentiate which one best fits your business.
Epixel Board MLM Software is an intelligent and integrated MLM system that runs on advanced technologies such as Python ( ), Node. js, Google Golang ( ), etc to build a commission engine that ensures quick and real-time commission processing. Epixel platform has every innovation that helps network marketing and direct selling companies to address industry-specific requirements with best practices that are proven to result in higher outputs. It also helps organizations to enable new business models along with the...
Epixel Stair Step Plan MLM Software provides next-generation features and technologies that administer your entire network marketing and direct selling business by taking advantage of business intelligence, data analytics, and automation ( ). It enables predictive analytics ( ) so that business admin can make faster and smarter informed decisions. Epixel stairstep or breakaway MLM software is the perfect solution for MLM businesses running the stairstep or breakaway compensation structure.
When the whole world is hard hit by the pandemic and when people are staggering with financial and psychological problems, self-centered individuals manipulate the situation to their own advantage.
How the MLM industry gets affected by this is our point of concern. The facts are really disturbing. We have to find a way out of this sooner, together.