In today’s competitive marketplace all you need to stay connected with your customers is to have an exceptional strategy delivered straight to their fingertips. With several marketing strategies in place, it’s difficult to differentiate which one best fits your business.
Again, there are numerous online marketing tools and techniques and which one will you choose to stand apart from the crowd?
Affiliate marketing ( ) though not a novel marketing model is a proven strategy to grab customers online. The highlight of this model is that it works on a no-investment landscape. Digital space is the only investment an individual will need to be an affiliate marketer. Again for the companies, since this model is purely performance-based, there is absolutely no place for payout concerns.
From an individual’s point of view, the freedom to promote products of their interest and introducing them to their social circles is fascinating. This is a cost-effective model for all the organizations in different business domains to bring in more sales and brand awareness.
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Epixel MLM software is integrated with the latest technologies such as business intelligence, intelligent automation, data analytics, etc to successfully organize every network marketing and direct selling More
When the whole world is hard hit by the pandemic and when people are staggering with financial and psychological problems, self-centered individuals manipulate the situation to their own advantage.
How the MLM industry gets affected by this is our point of concern. The facts are really disturbing. We have to find a way out of this sooner, together.
Use the all-in-one platform provided by Epixel Gift Plan MLM Software to revolutionize your network marketing and direct selling enterprise with business processes integrated with intelligent automation backed up with advanced technologies such as business intelligence and data analytics. Organizations following gift plan MLM structure can efficiently utilize the customizations and integrations to develop custom compensations and bonuses as per the demands of your business.
The unemployment rate is rising every year. Even the employed are earning less and are trying hard to make ends meet. People are looking for a new side hustle to earn an additional income to support their current financial situation. A side hustle that is flexible so that it doesn’t affect their current job.
Epixel Matrix MLM Software guarantees enhanced features and services that help network marketing and direct selling companies to achieve successful management of their network. MLM organizations can easily integrate custom compensations and bonuses that can be revised to meet the preferences and requirements of their business system using the Epixel platform.
Direct Sellers Association (DSA) Canada, established in 1954 has been ensuring that the direct selling industry follows the ethical policies and measures for establishing good business practices.
Many prestigious awards ( ) such as the Ivan P. Phelan Award, Mark of Distinction Award, Community Spirit Award, Industry Innovation Award, Making...