Missing Public Art and Awareness campaign is run by the MISSING LINK TRUST. We are working on Prevention through new age media like public art and app. We are also helping save missing girls and training More
In today’s world, technology is power, which can be harnessed for good as well as illegal activities. Present day trafficking is technologically advanced, and hence it calls for weapons that are powered by tech to combat it.
We are living in a data-driven world. Our daily activities, like taking a ride in an Uber, surfing the net, social media interactions, gaming, etc. all contribute to data pools. Data is a valuable asset for businesses and companies are going the extra mile to have a robust team of big data experts.
Modern slavery is a crime where the most vulnerable men, women and children are abused for criminal profit, with many victims forced to live and work in squalid conditions for little or no money.
#India #Slavery #2018savemissinggirls.com
"Modern slavery is a crime where the most vulnerable men, women and children are abused for criminal profit, with many victims forced to live and work in squali...
Volunteer Experiencesavemissinggirls.com
Art for a Cause We, as young adults in an urban environment lead very sheltered lives. The MISSING campaign, came as an eye opener to me and all those who were ...
Victims are not Criminalssavemissinggirls.com
A 14 year-old Nina trapped in a hotel room, after she fled from her home, has to serve 20 different pimps for the next 13 years who advertised her for sex on th...
This year, Andhra Pradesh issued a GO to criminalize buying of sex – it’s the first Indian state to explore beyond the conventional horizons of human trafficking punishment. This means once the law is set into motion, anyone who buys sex from the sex workers will face criminal charges and imprisonment.