Missing Public Art and Awareness campaign is run by the MISSING LINK TRUST. We are working on Prevention through new age media like public art and app. We are also helping save missing girls and training More
The bill mentions prevention as its key goal. However, there are certain criticisms that have stood out, which might complicate enforcement instead of providing all-inclusive rehabilitation.
Women involved in prostitution have always been an object of research in India. Although the real numbers of how many women are into prostitution are still dodgy, it’s estimated that around 1% of adult Indian women is associated with sex work (Dandona R, Dandona L, Kumar GA, Gutierrez JP, McPherson S, Samuels F, Bertozzi SM; ASCI FPP Study Team. “Demography and Sex Work Characteristics of Female Sex Workers in India,” BMC International Health Human Rights. 2006 Apr 14;6:5).
There continues to be a piercing spike in the number of reported crimes against #children – in #India, crime records reveal kids face a deadly slew of threats daily, right from sexual violence, #trafficking, and slavery to early marriage and forced prostitution.
According to government data, almost 20,000 women and children were victims of trafficking in India in 2016, a rise of nearly 25 per cent from the previous year, with the highest number of cases recorded in West Bengal.
Invisible Traffickerssavemissinggirls.com
Ghost Criminals According to government data, almost 20,000 women and children were victims of trafficking in India in 2016, a rise of nearly 25 per cent from t...
Meena didn’t have the privilege of living a carefree life as a child,but she hopes she can create that,for all the children who are living in distress.
This year, Andhra Pradesh issued a GO to criminalize buying of sex – it’s the first Indian state to explore beyond the conventional horizons of human trafficking punishment. This means once the law is set into motion, anyone who buys sex from the sex workers will face criminal charges and imprisonment.