Missing Public Art and Awareness campaign is run by the MISSING LINK TRUST. We are working on Prevention through new age media like public art and app. We are also helping save missing girls and training More
In the recent, International Conference on Human Trafficking held in New Delhi, Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra termed ‘human trafficking’ as the greatest human tragedy.
Though Kolkata surfaced to be the second safest city as per the number of crimes per lakh of population, West Bengal registered the highest number of cases of human trafficking in the year 2016. According to a report released by National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), the state lagged behind in several key areas in regards to women’s safety and ranked second in recording crimes against women.
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Art for a Cause We, as young adults in an urban environment lead very sheltered lives. The MISSING campaign, came as an eye opener to me and all those who were ...
Modern slavery is a crime where the most vulnerable men, women and children are abused for criminal profit, with many victims forced to live and work in squalid conditions for little or no money.
#India #Slavery #2018savemissinggirls.com
"Modern slavery is a crime where the most vulnerable men, women and children are abused for criminal profit, with many victims forced to live and work in squali...