Miten Shah is the guiding light and spirit behind the SeoWebFirm. With a passion to provide high quality content and web experience.
Miten Shah is the guiding light and spirit behind the SeoWebFirm. With a passion to provide high quality content and web experience.
Miten Shah is the guiding light and spirit behind the SeoWebFirm. With a passion to provide high quality content and web experience.
Crack the Code on Consumer Psychology: Valuable Insights by Michael Solomon
Solomon has the mind of a scientist and the writing flair of a journalist.” — Philip Kotler (Marketing guru)
Michael Solomon has established himself as a thought leader in modern marketing and advertising. He is considered an authority when it comes to revealing cutting-edge trends in marketing, advertising, consumer behavior, branding, and social media.
Michael’s e-mail signature includes a quote from the renowned German social psychologist Kurt Lewin: “There is nothing as practical as a good theory.”
Michael works as a Professor of Marketing at the Haub School of Business, in Philadelphia.
He is also a noted consultant, who fuses theory taught in the text books with real-world scenarios.
He helps managers understand how customers think so they can meet their deepest and most pressing needs.
The Story Of Vlad Calus When College Degree Is No Longer A Barrier To Your Dreams
The idea of dropping out of college freaks almost all of us.
‘What will you do without a degree?’,
‘Nobody is going to hire you!’,
‘You’ve ruined your life!’
These are indeed some of the common conceptions that cross one’s mind when the thoughts wander anywhere near the periphery of a college drop-out.
But, it’s also rightly said that success belongs to those who dare to dream big.
And that’s what...
Amy Cosper: Ex-VP of Is Now Founder of RadicalUpstarts
Many of us might find our passion in a field in which we don’t hold a college degree.
Entrepreneurs worldwide have faced similar situations while choosing their heart’s true calling.
Are you having second thoughts to become an entrepreneur?
What sets you apart is your level of commitment to your passion.
Read about the life of a woman entrepreneur who influenced the future of the global media publishing industry.
The journey of a reporter to become one of the 25 smartest women in twitter is nothing short of wonder and amazement.
The life of Amy Cosper is a testimony to the power of passion-driven purpose.
She donned several roles as a journalist, writer, speaker, editor-in-chief and Vice President of the globally reputed online magazine,
“Chase your dreams, change the world and make an impact,” while “creating something new, or innovative or disruptive, where nothing was before.” – Amy Cosper
Amy Cosper explains ‘How To Win Fear As An Entrepreneur’
Amy Cosper: Founder of
Here’s the life story of Amy Cosper, the former Editor-in-Chief of Entrepreneur Magazine. A Ducatista, serial entrepreneur and the Founder of Radical Upstarts...