Miten Shah

    Miten Shah is the guiding light and spirit behind the SeoWebFirm. With a passion to provide high quality content and web experience. miten@seowebfirm.com
    • Digital Marketing Specialist
    Miten Shah
    Liked On 02 July 2019
    Harsh Agarwal: An ordinary engineering student to being the CEO of ShoutDreams

    Ever been frustrated with your 9 to 5 job?

    I’m pretty sure every working professional has been there not just once but many times in their lives.

    But are you willing to leave everything and be your own boss?

    If you’ve answered yes, this is what you should be reading right now.

    This story isn’t about a multi-million-dollar start-up, but of an ordinary college student who became his own boss through the power
    Harsh Agarwal: An ordinary engineering student to being the CEO of ShoutDreams - seowebfirm seowebfirm.com Read the inspiring story of the critically acclaimed blogger Harsh Agarwal that will help you chase your true dreams in life!