PILMMA-Law Marketing

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The brainchild of attorney, Ken Hardison, PILMMA will help you scale your law firm for greater growth and success through membership-based opportunities.
  • Providing POWERFUL and INNOVATIVE training.
  • USA
Added on 07 July 2022
Wouldn’t it be fantastic to get them without spending a fortune chasing down the latest digital marketing strategies?

But avoid getting drowned out by other law firms that are all clamoring for the same client, and trying to differentiate your firm isn’t easy.

If it were, every law firm would be generating 8-figures- and you wouldn’t be reading this blog- you’d be in Fiji sipping cocktails-

Getting more cases doesn’t have to be a mystery or elusive objective. And your size or marketing budget is irrelevant.

One of the BEST and most timeless marketing strategies for any smart law firm owner is nurturing and orchestrating Referrals from existing clients.

Here’s the BIG MYTH– If I provide exceptional results for my client and they’re happy with my firm, they will automatically refer their friends and family to me whenever they need representation.

Sounds great. But it’s dead wrong.

Life gets in the way. People forget the lucrative settlement you got for them. They forget how hard you worked to resolve their liens and put more money in their pockets. They forget how many times your case managers talked with them and made time to listen to their frustrations with the legal process. They just forget – unless you take active steps to NURTURE these relationships.

The lawyers who figure this simple concept out and take systematic steps to increase their referrals will realize a steady stream of new cases every month.

Nurturing your past clients just means staying in contact with them so that you create “top of mind” awareness.

Send cards on their birthdays.

Send greeting cards at various holidays throughout the year.

Send out a short white paper or digital newsletter every month or two.

Send texts or emails periodically-

Just stay in touch. It’s that simple.

But that’s not the only way to start signing more referral cases- Where the real value is, and where the real opportunity is- and where you have a chance for actual control- is the ORCHESTRATED REFERRAL.

What is an orchestrated referral? This occurs when you ask for and receive a very specific type of referral.

Let’s go a bit deeper and get a little philosophical about referrals.
Read More: https://www.pilmma.org/blog/get-more-referrals-by-giving-clients-the-opportunity-to-feel-great/


Providing POWERFUL and INNOVATIVE training and tools that help lawyers achieve their ideal practice. https://www.pilmma.org/ More
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