PILMMA-Law Marketing

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Added on 06 July 2022
Each year, the experts at Consultwebs compile insights and qualitative data about the legal services industry, to create our Legal Marketing Trends and Predictions Guide, and so it is with great pleasure that we share with you, one of the sections from this year’s Guide, on law firm web design.

Claim your free copy of the Guide, HERE.

2021 Legal Marketing Web Design Trends

Law firms are among the many verticals grappling with the tectonic shift in consumer behaviors around digital marketing and e-commerce, catalyzed by a global health crisis.

Ensuring the integrity and useability of a law firm’s website, will be a marketing imperative in 2021, as more and more clients move towards adopting online pathways to legal services.


Getting the user experience and user interface right (UX, UI), for a law firm’s website, are core tenets of “best-in-class” legal web design.

With the push towards more digital experiences for clients, law firm web design in 2021 should comport with client demands, and correlate with marketplace expectations.

Here are two specific web design trends that have piqued our interest….

Flat design will be replaced more and more with dimension, texture and gradients.

web design trends

Dark mode option on mobile and desktop will be critical for UX, but also for preference in the search engines and browsers that offer a ‘dark mode’ option.

law firms website design

As clients are starting to prefer online exchanges with law firms, and comparing sites to competitors, accessibility will be just as important as noticeability.

Incremental Steps You Can Take At Your Firm

Before you do anything fancy with design; take a look at the load times and page speed and for your law firm’s website.

There are several ways you can make tiny adjustments to your existing website to increase load times and stay competitive. Go here to test your law firm’s website.

Need more advice on how to speed up your site, contact the web design experts at Consultwebs, we’ll take a look.
Read More: https://www.pilmma.org/blog/2021_legal_marketing_trends_and_predictions/


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