The brainchild of attorney, Ken Hardison, PILMMA will help you scale your law firm for greater growth and success through membership-based opportunities.
The brainchild of attorney, Ken Hardison, PILMMA will help you scale your law firm for greater growth and success through membership-based opportunities.
The brainchild of attorney, Ken Hardison, PILMMA will help you scale your law firm for greater growth and success through membership-based opportunities.
We’ve long known the benefits of affirmation and appreciation. Who doesn’t like hearing that they’ve done a good job or that the work they are doing matters? The more we feel appreciated, acknowledged, and affirmed, the happier we are and the harder most of us work to do a good job. It’s human nature. It starts when we can barely walk, proceeds through our school-age years, and continues throughout our adult life. In our personal lives, we readily recognize how...
And law firm owners – like business owners all across the globe, have become forcibly versed in the “Pandemic Pivot.” Never before has the sink-or-swim mentality been more relevant or necessary for law firm viability. For almost two years, it has been “Pivot, or Perish,” in steroid mode.
A few weeks ago, I attended the PILMMA Super Summit in Washington DC. The Summit was originally slated for the Ritz Carlton Hotel in...
Many highly successful law firm owners have tapped into a formula for rapid growth that doesn’t depend on innate talent for marketing or take years of expensive trial and error. And it isn’t based on finding the perfect Vender offering the golden egg of market domination.
Their secret is actually simple-
They join a Robust and Genuine Law Firm Owner’s Mastermind Group- so that they have immediate access to the winning strategies that other successful lawyers are implementing in...
While many of the above questions seem random, and frankly wide in scope, there is, in fact, a calculated reason behind each one. And the countless others that need to be addressed. Historically, custom-designed television media buying strategies have been the driving force behind successful law firm marketing. And to a degree, that still holds true even in today’s digital world. However, it’s the implications of that digital world which call for the above questions.
Each year, the experts at Consultwebs compile insights and qualitative data about the legal services industry, to create our Legal Marketing Trends and Predictions Guide, and so it is with great pleasure that we share with you, one of the sections from this year’s Guide, on law firm web design.
Claim your free copy of the Guide, HERE.
2021 Legal Marketing Web Design Trends
Law firms are among the many verticals grappling with the tectonic shift in consumer behaviors around digital marketing...
Broadcast is now starting. All attendees are in listen only mode. Good afternoon folks. And welcome to this special webinar, hosted by Peloma. The powerful, innovative legal marketing and management association. Today’s webinar is the seventh in our coronavirus survival webinar series. Today’s topic is the heart of marketing during COVID-19 joining pillar, president and founder, Ken Hardison, who is also serving as this afternoon’s moderator are Jason Melton,
Justin lovely, and Leshanna council Rogers, a few items before I turn...