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Added on 30 June 2022
Data is powerful because it allows you to make improvements as you go. Not only does it help you understand your customers’ behavior, but it also enables you to predict market behavior, streamline processes, and answer many of the questions you really need answered as a business.

Although data is powerful, consolidating it when it’s scattered around can be challenging to say the least. This is where Google Analytics comes in: It helps you measure your advertising, website, and social channels’ ROI in one single space. Additionally, Google maintains its king of the search engine market because it adapts and adjusts according to change. Google Analytics 4, or GA4, is Google’s latest addition to its impressive gallery of analytics.

GA4, published in October 2020, marks the software’s most significant change in its history. There’s a lot to learn from it because of its substantial advancements. Although there has been no indication that conventional GA might be phased out any time soon, most businesses are now using GA4. You may be wondering how this will affect your law firm. Its potential effect on your firm is why learning about Google Analytics 4 is both valuable and necessary.

The following sections cover the basics of Google Analytics 4:

● The difference between Universal Analytics and Google Analytics

● Top GA4 features

● “Do I need GA4?”

● Making the switch to GA4

Is Universal Analytics the same as Google Analytics?

Both Google Analytics and Universal Analytics are session-based recommendation models. Without getting into the technology behind them, these models’ main intention is to understand a person’s preferences and find new, desirable content based on their likes, feedback, actions, etc.

However, Universal Analytics is a version of GA that focuses on hits, whereas GA4’s focus is on converting all hits into events. Here’s a quick look at GA4’s new metric:

Read More: https://www.pilmma.org/blog/what-law-firms-should-know-about-ga4-google-analytics-4/


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