Ignite Global is a leader in hiring, motivating and retaining top talent with management capability employee engagement, productivity and retention candidate.
future of work, The Great Resignation
9600 Great Hills Trail, Suite 150W Austin TX 78759
Ignite Global is a leader in hiring, motivating and retaining top talent with management capability employee engagement, productivity and retention candidate.
future of work, The Great Resignation
9600 Great Hills Trail, Suite 150W Austin TX 78759
Ignite Global is a leader in hiring, motivating and retaining top talent with management capability employee engagement, productivity and retention candidate.
future of work, The Great Resignation
9600 Great Hills Trail, Suite 150W Austin TX 78759
We change the oil and rotate the tires on our car to keep it from breaking. We call this preventative maintenance. And research shows that regular, meaningful conversations do the same thing for our teams.
Yet so many managers complain they don’t have enough time to do this.
How much time would they save by avoiding problems by having proactive conversations to correct performance or behaviour and to find out what their team needs to be fully motivated, engaged and productive?
How much happier and more productive would their teams be if they carved out time to have these conversations?
A lot.
One of my clients reported an immediate 10% reduction in rework after implementing monthly 1:1s.
Another reduced employee turnover from 30% to 20% per year.
Still another reported having the easiest union negotiation in his professional career a few months after implementing 1:1s. He felt it was because the employees were being heard. They didn’t feel it was necessary to have to speak through their union reps.
Try it. It’s free! And if you need help with a structure reach out to me.
9600 Great Hills Trail, Suite 150W Austin, TX 78759, UNITED STATES
In 2009 CEO and founder Kim Seeling Smith started Ignite Global after deciding that instead of being paid to put bums in seats (working as a recruiter for the 15 years prior to that) she wanted to help More
I’ve been traveling for a conference and to spend my birthday/4th of July with my sister and best friend.
I love to spend my birthday in the US because it’s the day before the 4th of July – which makes it a 2-day celebration, in the middle of summer – with fireworks!
Unfortunately, the following weekend I attended the National Speakers Convention in Nashville, where I promptly got Covid and spent the next weeks isolating instead of going on a road trip with my best friend. The times we live in!
Isolation gave me lots of thinking time – and lots of time to strategize on new content, so expect fairly regular updates now through the end of the year.
My head is just buzzing with ideas.
Starting with 2 new masterclasses.
Feel free to grab your spot at one or both – and invite friends and colleagues.
If you think #thegreatresignation is related to Covid or the current skills shortage, think again. This graph from the Bureau of Labor Statistics clearly shows that, with the exception of 2020, people have been changing jobs in increasing numbers since 2009. While this is a US stat, I believe the trend is definitely global.
I’ve often said that Covid accelerated other workforce trends that had been building for years. I think what we see with this graph is the result of...
If you speak at conferences or events as part of your role or business, chances are you’ll encounter the tech crew – those amazing magicians in black who make everything look and sound great, even under intense pressure.
When you’re under the spotlight, it can be easy to overlook the fact that creating an outstanding conference experience is a team effort. How can you make sure you’re a speaker the tech crew loves to...
Thank you Sparks+Partners Consulting Engineers for inviting me to run one of my favorite workshops, “Soar with Your Strengths” for your end of year offsite last week. The main reason I love this workshop is that it gives you permission to stop beating yourself up about things that you aren’t good at and will never be good at by developing strategies to reach the same outcomes using strengths you do have.
Read More: https://www.igniteglobal.com/2019/07/soar-with-your-strengths-workshop-in-action/
Did you know that 65% of candidates who turn down jobs or decline to go through the entire interview process do so because of poor candidate experience, according to LinkedIn? And that only 25% of candidates are satisfied with candidate experience according to Sapia.ai?
Candidate experience is key. But what is candidate experience exactly?
My definition is an experience where every interaction leaves the candidate feeling good about:
✅ Themselves (first and foremost – even if they don’t get the job)
✅ The process itself (again, even if they don’t get the job)
✅ The company/brand (turn all candidates (successful or not) into raving fans
My Facebook memories told me that 1 year ago today was my first appearance on Nine’s Today Show. Georgie and I had a spirited discussion about the older workforce. I was optimistic back then. I was FINALLY seeing some cracks in our decades old discrimination against older workers.
Not so much anymore. I’ve read recent stories that Ageism is still alive and well and increasing in our new COVID environment.
I’d love your thoughts. What do you see?
If you’re over 50, what do you find? What are your plans for the future? Remain in full time work, do contract work, side hustle? Start your own business?