Join me streaming live out of the nightclub discussing a pernicious gender ideology!
I'll be bringing you all the latest and breaking news on the topic of gender ideology and discussing the impact it's having on women's sports, our children and society in general.
So grab an icy drink, hit the stream link below and join in with the conversation!
Children questioning whether they are #trans need shielding from content on #CBBC and #Childline, a mother who claims her teenage son was “groomed” into taking #hormoneblockers has said.
It's as everybody feared; Tavistock gender clinic ‘converting’ gay children.
A gay psychologist who worked at the NHS’s only gender transition clinic for children spoke of his fears that the clinic was running “conversion therapy for gay kids”.
How trans activism and science denial are destroying sport!
A book I highly recommend!
UNSPORTING by Linda Blade with Barbara Kay.
Sports categories are based in human biology. The ideal of fair play is inseparable from the biological pillars on which the level playing field rests.
Unsporting deals with how the trans activism and science denial are destroying sport!
Author and sport performance coach Linda Blade chronicles the systematic, two-decades-long erosion of those pillars by an ideology she describes as gender mysticism.
It's not too late to turn the game around, Blade contends, and her book ends with a reasonable plan to make that happen.
Give her your support in writing this well researched and excellent book; comes fully recommended by me and thousands of others!
But transgender #athletes made it an unfair fight. When I was forced to race male bodies on the track, colleges didn’t see the fastest female in Connecticut. They saw a second- or third-place runner.