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DiseaseFix is a leading provider of trustworthy health information to consumers, patients, and other healthcare professionals, through its online portals.
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DiseaseFix is primarily known as an online publisher of disease-centric medical information related to human health and well-being. The information is published as disease modules accessible to users from More
Added on 08 March 2019
Down syndrome, also sometimes known as trisomy 21, is a genetic condition which is a result of abnormal cell division that results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21. Know more about down syndrome symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment.
About Down syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment diseasefix.com Down's syndrome affects about one in every 800 babies. It is associated with physical growth delays and intellectual disability and can result in severe complic...

Added on 17 October 2018
In depression, you may feel exhausted to talk, ashamed at your situation, and guilty for neglecting certain relationships. If you try to stay connected and take part in social activities, it will make a great difference. Learn how to fight and beat depression.
Coping with Depression: How to Fight Depression? diseasefix.com Depression drains your energy, drive, and even hopes to perform even simple day-to-day activities. Here are some ways you can help with depression. It may be di...

Added on 17 October 2018
In Angola, the journey of such mothers is just beginning. There is no public health program to help the children, who need regular physical therapy and other care.
Zika in Africa: Rare birth defect on the rise in Angola indianexpress.com In Angola, the journey of such mothers is just beginning. There is no public health program to help the children, who need regular physical therapy and other ca...

Added on 16 October 2018
Keratoconus causes thinning of the cornea, which leads to an impaired vision. In earliest stages, keratoconus causes blurring and distortion of vision and increased sensitivity to light. Learn more about what are the different stages of keratoconus.
Different Stages of Keratoconus: Mild, Advanced, Severe, Treatment diseasefix.com Keratoconus is classified as stage 1, 2, 3 and 4, which range from mild to severe cases of keratoconus. Each stage of keratoconus signifies steepening of the ce...

Added on 25 September 2018
The sciatic nerve becomes slightly inflamed and causes pain in the buttocks or legs during pregnancy. This inflammation often occurs as a result of the pressure being placed on the nerve by the growing belly.
Sciatica Nerve Pain During Pregnancy: How to Get Relief? First Trimester. Second Trimester. Third Tr... diseasefix.com The pain associated with sciatica during pregnancy is not permanent unless a sciatica injury was present before the mother became pregnant. The sciatic nerve be...

Added on 25 September 2018
FIBRE, or roughage, are fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts that keep the digestive tract in good health, as it eases bowel movement and flushes out harmful substances along the way.
High-fibre food for better heart health - Metro News | The Star Online thestar.com.my FIBRE, or roughage, are fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts that keep the digestive tract in good health, as it eases bowel movement and flushes out harmful sub...

Added on 19 September 2018
Most cataract surgeries give successful results but in some cases, the patient may face difficulties with his/her vision again. He or she may experience blurred vision, glares and other vision problems which are though uncommon after the surgery. Read about their causes and prevention
Blurred Vision after Cataract Surgery: Causes | How long after Cataract Surgery is Vision Blurry? diseasefix.com Most cataract surgeries give successful results but in some cases, after a cataract surgery, the patient may start to face difficulties with his/her vision agai...

Added on 19 September 2018
The impact of alcohol on health was either "described as a minor concern or not considered at all" by middle-aged people included in the study, which analyzed drinkers in Britain, Australia, Japan and Norway.
Middle-age drinkers more concerned about reputation than health risks, study says edition.cnn.com Middle-age drinkers are more concerned about their embarrassing or childish behavior resulting from drinking alcohol than about the health risks associated with...

Added on 18 September 2018
The sciatic nerve becomes slightly inflamed and causes pain in the buttocks or legs during pregnancy. This inflammation often occurs as a result of the pressure being placed on the nerve by the growing belly. Sciatica Pain in First, Second, and Third Trimester.
Sciatica Nerve Pain During Pregnancy: How to Get Relief? First Trimester. Second Trimester. Third Tr... diseasefix.com The pain associated with sciatica during pregnancy is not permanent unless a sciatica injury was present before the mother became pregnant. The sciatic nerve be...

Added on 18 September 2018
Midwives should be given guidelines on how to advise expectant mothers about managing their weight, their professional body has said, reacting to research that suggested the commonly held belief that pregnant women needed to eat for two was a myth.
Midwives call for pregnancy weight targets after study highlights health risks theguardian.com Eating for two is a myth, say researchers, with weight gain linked to insulin resistance...