Missing Public Art and Awareness campaign is run by the MISSING LINK TRUST. We are working on Prevention through new age media like public art and app. We are also helping save missing girls and training More
There continues to be a piercing spike in the number of reported crimes against #children – in #India, crime records reveal kids face a deadly slew of threats daily, right from sexual violence, #trafficking, and slavery to early marriage and forced prostitution.
To combat such accelerating rates and figures of trafficking, the Centre has planned to develop a focused anti-human trafficking wing under Central Investigation Agency, like National Investigation Agency.
Modern slavery is a crime where the most vulnerable men, women and children are abused for criminal profit, with many victims forced to live and work in squalid conditions for little or no money.
#India #Slavery #2018savemissinggirls.com
"Modern slavery is a crime where the most vulnerable men, women and children are abused for criminal profit, with many victims forced to live and work in squali...
The bill mentions prevention as its key goal. However, there are certain criticisms that have stood out, which might complicate enforcement instead of providing all-inclusive rehabilitation.
As the crimson rays of sun usher the earth to a new day; men, women and children step into the lush-green tea plantations in Assam to begin their early-morning plucking sessions.
In today’s world, technology is power, which can be harnessed for good as well as illegal activities. Present day trafficking is technologically advanced, and hence it calls for weapons that are powered by tech to combat it.