Bansal Global Hospital

  • C-10 Ramgarh,Near Jahangirpuri Metro Station, Delhi, 11003
A world-class private hospital located in North-West Delhi, the Bansal Global Hospital offers the best treatment possible and care to its patients round the
  • Healthcare
  • C-10 Ramgarh,Near Jahangirpuri Metro Station, Delhi, 11003
Added on 13 September 2019

Things to take Care of when You are in the ICU

13 September 2019

It’s an overwhelming situation when your loved ones are in the ICU. They are fighting with life and death and therefore it is pretty understood for relatives and friends to get emotional when they visit patients in the ICU.

But it is for the best of the health of their kin that they follow certain rules while visiting patients in the ICU. The most important ones are:

Don’t touch or hug without permissions

Mostly, patients in ICUs are either on life supports systems or on similar medical machinery. These machines are attached to the patient through various delicate pipes and other connections. If you hug the patient, these connections might come loose and hurt the patient.

Don’t sit on the bed

For the same above reason, sitting on the bed is prohibited in most cases. It also makes you and the patient prone to germs present on each other’s body surface. So, avoid sitting on their bed and making direct physical contact.

Always wear clean clothes covered by safety gowns

Adhere to the rules of the hospital and wear the safety gowns provided by them. The environment of the ICU needs to be germ-free and you might bring in germs along with your clothes and shoes if you don’t wear these gowns and socks.

Don’t force your relative or friend to talk

Your emotions are understood but it might invoke helplessness in the patient. Avoid forcing them to talk or show emotions when they can hardly breathe.

Don’t make anxious or hopeless gestures

Even if the condition is not too good, keep your patient motivated. Show happy and smiling faces to the patient it will give them hope. Don’t be anxious when you are inside. Show some courage for the sake of your loved one.

Other than that, each hospital has its own set of rules. We at Bansal Global Hospital try to cater to everyone’s emotions but at the end of the day it is the best treatment that we believe in and we take every measure to make it possible. Our ICUs are fully equipped with the latest state of the art machinery and is supported by skilled staff and specialised Doctors.

Article Source Link: https://www.bansalglobalhospital.com/take-care-of-when-are-the-icu/


A world-class private hospital located in North-West Delhi, the Bansal Global Hospital offers the best treatment possible and care to its patients round the clock (24×7). The services are provided under More
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