Hello, I am Zara Anderson, and I work as a MaRS Trans USA LLC Company Business Development executive, mostly in the United States, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, and Australia, delivering value to global More
Mars Trans USA LLC is a name in the construction industry to provide accurate Precast Panel Detailing Services. The company is renowned to deliver ready-to-use precast panels that easily get installed at the construction site. Our precast detailing services are economical, reliable, quality-effective, and cost-effective. The panels created are reusable and controlled in a controlled factory environment for all types of columns, beams, and panels. Outsource your precast panel detailing services with a leading outsourcing company. Send us your inquiry with us. To know more details on this project, kindly visit https://marsbiminternational.com/structural/precast-detailing.html
MaRS Trans USA LLC offers BIM Automation Services. Automating processes helps to optimize them, eliminating tasks that generate waste and thus also increasing their performance. Using Dynamo with Revit BIM automation is a great way to improve your productivity by automating repetitive tasks. Using Dynamo and Revit, we can model complex geometries, automate repetitive processes, and minimize human error. It also has a user-friendly interface and pre-built scripting libraries.
MaRS Trans USA LLC Offering Highly cost-effective Scan to BIM Services in the USA, UK, Europe, Canada, and Australia. Our team can able to convert your point cloud data into an errorless 3D model using Revit software. The scan is the most accurate and efficient solution for developing buildings for BIM Modeling Services that can be used to better execute projects such as factories, Airports, hospitals, Stadiums, Commercial and residential, etc.
MaRS Trans USA LLC has provided Scan to BIM Services for many AEC industries. Our Point-to-3D BIM Services provide an exclusive opportunity to take, resolve and enounce existing conditions through safe, non-contact laser scanning. Point cloud to BIM administrations empowers development and renovation for private, commercial, infrastructural, instructive, sports, and mixed-use development.
As you know. We are a pioneer in providing BIM services in the US. Recently we completed another project which is of Hyde Park in Hayes, West London. In this project, we have provided BIM Modeling and BIM Coordination. You can visit https://marsbiminternational.com/projects/hyde-park-hayes-bim.html for more information about this project. Give us your feedback on this project in the comment section.