Toronto East X-Ray & Ultrasound

  • 1145 Morning side Avenue Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
Toronto East X-Ray & Ultrasound center advanced radiology services to the community.
  • Over 20 years of Ultrasound and X-Ray experience in GTA
  • 1145 Morning side Avenue Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
Added on 18 October 2021
Toronto East X-Ray & Ultrasound is the finest North-York Ultrasound Clinic. Our objective is to deliver high-quality services to our patients, including current digital imaging, subspecialty radiologists' interpretations, well-trained techs, and friendly staff. For More Details
Visit : https://www.xus.ca/ultrasound-preparations/

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#TorontoXRay #TorontoUltrasound #toronto #UrgentUltrasound

11:30 am - 4:00 pm


Through these high-quality services including current digital imaging, sub-specialty radiologists' interpretations, well-trained technologists, and friendly staff, our mission is to satisfy the very best More
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