Well Woman Clinic

Consult all pregnancy or women health issues with best & top gynecologist in Gurgaon Dr. Nupur Gupta at Well Woman Clinic.
  • Best Gynecologist & Obstetrician in Gurgaon
Consult all pregnancy or women health issues with best & top gynecologist in Gurgaon Dr. Nupur Gupta at Well Woman Clinic.
  • Best Gynecologist & Obstetrician in Gurgaon
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Added on 04 June 2018
Weight Gain During Pregnancy; How Much Is Too Much?
#pregnancy - https://t.co/iU94n326Rz https://t.co/GuE7NuCDMX

Added on 04 June 2018
While most non-#pregnant women lose about 100 to 125 hair strands a day, new moms often lose up to 500 hair strands a day after #delivery.

Added on 30 May 2018
Music During Labour: Benefits of listening to music during labour Some women choose to use music during… https://t.co/WGTJnqtg4Z

#pregnancy #music #mumtobe #motherhood #nutrition

Added on 30 May 2018
Eliminating Back Pain During Pregnancy: Back pain during pregnancy is very common. For one thing, the weight of your baby is all on the front of your body, which puts all the pressure on lower back and spine to carry the extra weight. If you… https://t.co/ztKdu3OVvP #pregnancy https://t.co/RZUfNJdSYP

#healthawareness #womanhealth #howtostayfit #pregnant
#mumtobe #woman

Added on 30 May 2018
How to be a Good Birth Partner: As a birth partner you will witness the raw, intense and astounding miracle of birth. You will see one of the extremes of what the human body is capable. You will see the look on the mother’s face as she holds her baby…

#womanhealth #prepregnancyadvice #nutrition #motherhood
#newborn #pregnant

Added on 24 May 2018
Avail our discount offer (Rs2000 off) on antenatal care checkups (10+10) and yoga classes (10).

Added on 10 May 2018
Since Diabetes month is round the corner, it is a great reminder for to be moms to start or continue to work towards being the healthiest they can be, at any age. It's never too late to be empowered and make your health your highest priority! So bring up your health concerns and questions to Dr Nupur from Well Woman Clinic and schedule your Annual Well Woman Visit soon. Book at https://www.practo.com/…/dr-nupur-gupta-gynecologist-obstet…

Added on 08 May 2018
Stress During Pregnancy: How to Cope: A child entering the world, whether it’s your first or third, is a huge occasion that will impact upon every area of your life, so it’s no wonder you feel a little stressed at times. You’re probably tired out from… https://t.co/R3EgqW2AH5 https://t.co/O4t6zVpGYA

Added on 07 May 2018
Himba tribe in Africa
Of all the African tribes still alive today, the Himba tribe is one of the few that counts the birth date of the children not from the day they are born nor conceived but the day the mother decides to have the child.
When a Himba woman decides to have a child, she goes off and sits under a tree, by herself, and she listens until she can hear the song of the child who wants to