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Added on 17 February 2020

Role of Social Media Marketing in Affiliate Marketing

17 February 2020

Greetings colleagues, I think a very important question asked colleague. I thank him so much for asking and for a reason to talk about marketing in the context of what the SMM manager does.

Colleague answered. Then I thought that this could be interesting to someone else. So let's take a case. You just have to be prepared for the fact that the answers lie in marketing and a little beyond the scope of the issue of the SMM specialist seoactivators.com/uae/seo-services-dubai/.

If the goal is to “lure”, then the effect is the number of “lured”.

Only such a goal is unlikely ...

“The management asks” and “I am confused” - this is because the management, I think, nafig do not need “peremanennye” or “some other”.

I think that you, most likely, need not “peremanennye”, but, say, the growth of the permanent audience of your site. How do you get the growth of subscribers, constantly reading you (poaching or otherwise) - your professional business. We decided to poach - ok! So watch out for growth just like we see changes in our keyword ranking during seo exercise seoactivators.com/pk/seo-services-pakistan/.

But you, by and large, the growth of the audience is also not needed. For example, how to get an avalanche-like growth of a stupid audience (how to quickly expand a communicative funnel ): announce a free distribution of your goods, get a crowd of “lured” ones who, having received or not received your promise, will no longer remember about you (unsubscribe, no longer go ). Well, who needs this work and why?  

Therefore, the growth of the audience of the SMM platform and management is also not needed. The leadership does not need a crowd of "permanent" onlookers, likes, reading and nothing profitable for the company, the brand does not. Such behavior is peculiar not to buyers, but bots. If you need just such an "effect", then just buy likes and reposts, and you won't have to "poach" anyone.  

If suddenly you have a firm opinion that you need to talk with the audience, regardless of whether it is ready to buy or not, then I agree, but I’ll draw your attention: if you have taken someone, for example, to teach English, and in ten years a student still did not buy anything from youthe language has not been learned, then further to spend time on it does not make sense. Right? Remembering such a phenomenon as a sales funnel, I will say that any action you take while working for a company should lead to a change in the status of each of your SMM audience — sharp or gradual; everything you do - you help sell and buy. If you just want to write something and just tell something, entertain, collect and save the audience of readers and viewers - go to journalists.

That is why the leadership needs, at a minimum, an increased number of client actions: on your SMM manager redleos.com/social-media-marketing-and-management/, on the website, in showrooms and offices, in shops and at cash desks, one way or another confirming interest in your activity. Perhaps needed:

increase in the number of requests, such as: "give more information" ?, "Send me conditions";

growing agreement to participate in something that you spend on behalf of the company and the brand;

shopping growth finally.

That is, yesterday this important leadership and the indicator you observed was so small, you did something and it became different. This difference is the “effect” of marketing promotion. Yesterday it was sucks, the reason was such, marketing was connected, I did this and that, such changes. This is the “effect” of any marketing activity, the work of any SEO marketer seoactivators.com/uk/seo-services-montreal/, including SMMs.

How to prove that it was you who did something important and thanks to you there is a growth? This is the second important question. Somehow it is necessary to fix that it was from your “lawyer” and this “effect” was obtained by your efforts. I do not know the purpose, therefore, I will say what a commonplace thread, for example:

tell people "go to the site (to the office, to the page in the FB, subscribe to the event),

call the password "ADVOCATE" there

and get a bonus something "...

Yesterday, no one else called this password. Today called 300 times - this is the effect (0 -300).

No, of course, you can use social network statistics, counters, UTM tags and so on. You can automatically assume something, as is customary with Internet managers. But the thing is that:

Your task, like any advertiser, PR-specialist, pro-operator, is not to count something, but to bring the client to direct contact with the subject of your marketing (product, service, sales department management, online store basket). “Effect” means the number of people shown by customers to the sales department, the amount of interest, the number of transactions, checks.

and if the customer wants to fill out nothing, do not enter anywhere, but simply come to the store or call? He will pass by your "counters"! That is, either the client’s personalization (by password, by the picture shown by him on the smartphone, by QR-code or about the sung song), or it will not be taken into account by you.

Well, this is what is called "what to count" and "how to count." Now important. You do not just poach or gather an audience, you are engaged in promotion (promotion). Therefore, in addition to the accumulation, information and entertainment of the audience, you need to lure and attract potential interested in the subject of marketing your company.

at the beginning; "set a goal" and as is clear, it is not the growth of your audience. Let it be some promotion action.

then, understand how and what will be considered "

"what will you give a bonus (profitable, interesting, limited and only to those who ...?" - this will help you to stimulate activity and receive confirmation of "efficiency" (they came for the bonus - it means that they came from you and those who came are interested

If you are interested and promoted, then the growth of your audience for affiliate project like coupons revglue.com/blog-detail/3-how-to-setup-a-responsive-uk-cashback-or-coupons-website-quickly-and-cheaply will happen itself and automatically.

Audience growth is not a goal, it is a consequence of a job well done! The musician at the concert does not grow and collects an audience. He sings! His audience is growing by itself, as a result of his talent and hard work. Right?

So, the audience will grow, and even you will work on those who are in the lower levels of the sales funnel - they will help them make a decision. This is a marketing campaign, it will really attract a small part of your audience from among the huge audience of your “lawyer”. If you do something spontaneously without an accurate understanding of the “why” and mechanics of attracting the audience, then you will really get confused and you will consider what is not important for your audience and not important.

Just check with the management or decide for yourself exactly what should grow. change, be observed (what effect is needed)? Answer item 8.  

And, thinking over the marketing SMM campaign, together with offline marketers, think up how you will personalize those who have come from you to offline communication with the company. After all, if you sell real goods, then communication offline at the cash register ends there. Right?

In general, something like that. Good luck!

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