USPEC provides the most suitable certification for aspiring private equity professionals who want to make a mark in the field of private equity. Advance your career with CPEP™. More
Examinations Policies | USPEC Certification Examinations | USPEC
In the event that you fail your first (1st) attempt to pass USPEC certification examination, before you can take second (2nd) or any subsequent attempts to pass the examination, you shall be required to wait for a period of at least fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of your last attempt to pass such examination.
Past, present, and future of private equity industry
Private Equity(PE) firms play a crucial role in the economy. They help small companies grow and generate good returns for investors. Especially during the time of crisis, they provide companies with capital and industry expertise.
BSI Data & Forging Collective Intelligence: Private Equity Strategies For 2022
Layer by Layer building of communities and coopetition in private equity through BSI Data and Collective Intelligence will enable PE firms to work on multidirectional growth strategies.
Making & Growing PE Careers - Career in Private Equity | Private Equity Jobs | USPEC
USPEC Certification gives the right boost for jobs and careers in private equity with the best and biggest private equity and
investment banking companies worldwide.
The New Private Equity: Creating Value Through Digital Transformation
Lets get to the point. You may have a built-in expiration date if you are a private equity investor or a business owner and this is why private equity firms must digitally transform to compete. Is it too strong a statement? We dont believe so.