Surya Garigipati Photography & Films


    Surya Garigipati is a certified professional photographer headquartered in New Jersey who specializes in Indian wedding photography and cinematography. I enjoy capturing natural moments, but I'm not just there to "shoot pictures"; I'm there to capture the greatest moments of your special day and provide you with a carefully chosen collection of pictures you'll adore.

    Marketplace Listings

    Exploring the World of Wedding Photography in New Jersey

    Surya Garigipati, a Desi wedding photographer in New Jersey, brings a unique blend of cultural understanding and artistic vision to every s...
    3 weeks ago | 33 views
    Surya Garigipati, a Desi wedding photographer in New Jersey, brings a unique blend of cultural understanding and artistic vision to every s...

    The Impact of Professional Wedding Photography in NJ

    Surya Garigipati is a talented wedding photographer based in New Jersey, capturing timeless moments with an artistic flair. With a keen eye ...
    3 weeks ago | 35 views
    Surya Garigipati is a talented wedding photographer based in New Jersey, capturing timeless moments with an artistic flair. With a keen eye ...