SK9 Training World

  • Maidstone
  • Maidstone
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  • James Huxley Avenue
    Maidstone, Kent ME16 0ZH, UNITED KINGDOM
9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Dog Training


Welcome to SK9 Training World, your premier dog trainers in Kent, London, & Dubai! We cherish your furry friend as a family member, and our experienced trainers are dedicated to strengthening your bond with them. Positive reinforcement-based training methods foster a strong and loving bond between dogs and their owners. We are committed to empowering dog owners with the knowledge and skills to raise well-behaved, happy, confident canine companions. Highly skilled, fully qualified professional and comprehensive dog training is available right now for all your canine needs, big or small. With positive reinforcement, we will help your beloved dog's training and behaviour change joyfully and easily.
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