Do not mix love nd life. Life is messy i agree. There will difficult moments, bills that seem to be too much, jobs might be tiring. There will be staff issue..All this is ok. You may have to sell possessions just to make ends meet and live of grilled cheese sandwiches and hope. This is life. It’s going to be messy. However this chaos has nothing to do with love. If you love someone, keep all this mess aside and live those moments with him/her.
She’s the woman who believes that what comes around goes around. The one who hopes for a better day. The one who won’t give up on who will do everything to make you believe that she loves you unconditionally.... She’s the woman who’s unlike the rest....who believes in doing what no one else can do... She’s the woman who would love to be loved...
In the end its not about who desired you..but who values you
Its not about who broke your heart but who mended it
Its not about those who let you down but those who held you up
It’s not about all the times you were called beautiful, it’s about all the days you felt it.