Miten Shah is the guiding light and spirit behind the SeoWebFirm. With a passion to provide high quality content and web experience.
Miten Shah is the guiding light and spirit behind the SeoWebFirm. With a passion to provide high quality content and web experience.
Miten Shah is the guiding light and spirit behind the SeoWebFirm. With a passion to provide high quality content and web experience.
JK Rowling is a famous British author, who is known worldwide for her popular Harry Potter children’s book series.
She is also famous for amassing a fortune of $850 million, which makes her one of the richest persons in the world.
The source of her wealth is the royalty earned through her Harry Potter series of books of which she has sold more than 450 million copies and also its movie franchise that has earned her around $8 billion.
She is also known for her generous charities. She has donated about $150 million to different charities.
Part of her success as writer is due to the fact that Rowling is able to touch readers at an emotional level.
Crack the Code on Consumer Psychology: Valuable Insights by Michael Solomon
Solomon has the mind of a scientist and the writing flair of a journalist.” — Philip Kotler (Marketing guru)
Michael Solomon has established himself as a thought leader in modern marketing and advertising. He is considered an authority when it comes to revealing cutting-edge trends in marketing, advertising, consumer behavior, branding, and social media.
Michael’s e-mail signature includes a quote from the renowned German social psychologist Kurt Lewin: “There is nothing as practical as a good theory.”
Michael works as a Professor of Marketing at the Haub School of Business, in Philadelphia.
He is also a noted consultant, who fuses theory taught in the text books with real-world scenarios.
He helps managers understand how customers think so they can meet their deepest and most pressing needs.