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    Added on 08 June 2023

    Internal Linking Mistakes that Harm Your SEO Strategy

    08 June 2023

    Internal linking is a vital component of any successful SEO strategy. It helps search engines understand the structure of your website and enhances user navigation. When done correctly, internal linking can significantly improve your website's visibility and organic search rankings. However, many website owners unknowingly make internal linking mistakes that can harm their SEO efforts. In this article, we will discuss some of the common internal linking mistakes to avoid and provide tips to optimize your internal linking strategy for better SEO results.

    What are some of the most common internal link building mistakes?

    Google ranking algorithm analyzes the quality and amount of links with a webpage. It helps the search engines like google to recognize the page significance and rank it accordingly in the SERP. These links may include inner links, external links, and back links. Internal linking is equally important.

    1. Not Creating the Right Navigational Links:

    One crucial internal linking mistake that website owners often make is neglecting to create the right navigational links. Navigational links are the primary means for users to move through your website and find the information they need. Failing to establish clear and intuitive navigational links can result in a poor user experience and difficulty in exploring your site. Ensure that your navigational links are prominently placed, easy to understand, and provide logical pathways to different sections of your website. By creating the right navigational links, you can improve user engagement, reduce bounce rates, and enhance the overall usability of your website.

    2. Using Links with No-Follow Attributes:

    Another internal linking mistake to avoid is using links with the "no-follow" attribute excessively. While the no-follow attribute can be useful for certain situations, such as paid links or user-generated content, overusing it can hinder your SEO strategy. By adding the no-follow attribute to all internal links, you prevent search engines from passing valuable link equity to those pages. Be selective when using the no-follow attribute and focus on directing link equity to the most important and relevant pages on your website to maximize your SEO efforts.

    3. Incorrect Placement of the Links:

    Proper placement of internal links is essential for a seamless user experience and effective SEO. One common mistake is incorrect placement of links, such as burying them deep within paragraphs or placing them in irrelevant sections. When internal links are not placed strategically, users may struggle to find them, resulting in reduced click-through rates and engagement. Ensure that your links are prominently positioned, relevant to the surrounding content, and easy to locate. By placing links correctly, you enhance user navigation, improve page views, and provide a more user-friendly website experience.

    4. Adding Links to Exact Match Anchor Text:

    One internal linking mistake that can harm your SEO strategy is adding links with exact match anchor text. Exact match anchor text refers to using the exact keyword or phrase as the clickable text in the link. While it may seem like a straightforward way to optimize for specific keywords, overusing exact match anchor text can raise red flags to search engines and potentially result in penalties. Instead, diversify your anchor text by using variations, synonyms, or natural language that still accurately represents the linked page's content. This approach creates a more natural link profile, enhances user experience, and helps avoid any negative impact on your SEO efforts.

    5. Using Inadequate Links:

    Using inadequate or irrelevant links is a common internal linking mistake that can harm your SEO strategy. When creating internal links, it is crucial to ensure they are relevant, informative, and add value to the user's experience. Including random or unrelated links not only confuses visitors but also sends mixed signals to search engines about the content's relevance. Instead, focus on linking to high-quality, authoritative sources that enhance the user's understanding of the topic. By using relevant and informative links, you improve the credibility of your website, establish topical authority, and provide users with valuable resources for further exploration.

    6. Header Tags Linking:

    An often overlooked internal linking opportunity is utilizing header tags to create links within your content. Header tags, such as H1, H2, and H3, not only help organize and structure your content but also provide an excellent opportunity for internal linking. By linking relevant keywords or phrases within your header tags to other pages or sections of your website, you can improve user navigation, increase engagement, and signal the importance and relevance of the linked content to search engines. Incorporating internal links within header tags is a smart strategy to optimize your SEO and enhance the user experience.

    7. Overlooking the Orphaned Pages:

    One internal linking mistake that is often overlooked is neglecting orphaned pages. Orphaned pages are those that have no internal links directing users to them from other pages on your website. These pages miss out on valuable link equity and can struggle to rank well in search engine results. To avoid this mistake, ensure that all important pages are interconnected through internal links. By linking orphaned pages to relevant sections of your website, you distribute authority, improve indexation, and increase the visibility and ranking potential of these overlooked pages.

    8. Inadequate Crawl Depth for Key Pages:

    Another internal linking mistake that can harm your SEO strategy is having inadequate crawl depth for key pages. Crawl depth refers to the number of clicks it takes for search engine bots to reach a specific page from your website's homepage. If important pages have a high crawl depth, search engines may not discover and index them effectively, leading to decreased visibility and rankings. To avoid this, ensure that key pages are easily accessible through a reasonable number of internal links. By reducing crawl depth for important pages, you increase their chances of being crawled, indexed, and ultimately ranked higher in search engine results.

    9. Adding Too Many Links:

    One common internal linking mistake is adding an excessive number of links within your content. While internal links are beneficial for SEO, overwhelming your content with too many links can be counterproductive. When there are too many links, it can dilute the relevance and value passed through each individual link. Moreover, an excessive number of links can also confuse users and disrupt their reading experience. Instead, focus on adding relevant and strategic internal links that enhance the user's journey and provide valuable information. By maintaining a reasonable number of links, you ensure that each link carries weight and contributes positively to your website's SEO performance.


    Internal linking is an essential aspect of SEO that should not be overlooked. By avoiding common internal linking mistakes and implementing best practices, you can enhance your website's visibility, improve search engine rankings, and provide a better user experience. Remember to optimize anchor text, use descriptive and relevant anchor text, leverage the power of deep linking, identify internal linking opportunities, and maintain a balanced approach. By doing so, you can effectively harness the power of internal linking to boost your SEO strategy and drive organic traffic to your website.

    About the Author

    Melissa Howard is a managing partner at Split Reef, a professional SEO company in Columbus, Ohio and Jacksonville, Florida that offers afull suite of digital development and SEO services for clients. With a dedicated team of web developers that provide custom work to clients across a broad range of industries, Split Reef stays up to date with all industry innovations and developments as they come, including understanding the ins and outs of SEO ranking.

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