San Diego Goldendoodles

  • 2515 Valetta Ln, Alpine, CA 91901, United States
Kay is the dog whisper, with 30 years of training and working with dogs. We adopt, train, and help to take care of the lovable Goldendoodles around us.
  • Dog Breeders & Dogs Training Service
  • 2515 Valetta Ln, Alpine, CA 91901, United States

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  • 2515 Valetta Ln
    Alpine, California 91901, UNITED STATES
10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Kay is the dog whisper, with 30 years of training and working with dogs. We adopt, train, and help to take care of the lovable Goldendoodles around us.


Dog Breeder
dogs boarding
dogs service
dogs training
Pet Adaptation


San Diego Goldendoodles is a reputable dog breeding and training company with over 30 years of experience in the industry. With a passion for service dogs, the company is committed to improving the overall health and temperament of their dogs, making them perfect for families or service potential homes. The company also rescues, trains, and places dogs for interested clients. They have puppies on waitlists and boast of a top-notch Dog Retreat with a Dog Spa. The company is looking forward to groundbreaking in 2021 on their new Training Facility for Service Dogs. San Diego Goldendoodles is the go-to company for anyone looking for high-quality, well-trained dogs for their family or service needs.


Dogs Service
Dogs Adoptions
Dogs Boarding
Dogs Training


Real Grass Dog Potty
Pet Bed
Dog Shaver
Pets Dog Crate
Leather Dog Leash
Website Trust Checkersandiego-goldendoodle.com

Trust Score

0 / 100