Restelli Monument Works

We have a distinguished heritage in crafting both bronze and granite headstones that honor your loved ones with respect and dignity.
  • Leveraging our century-long experience in the business
  • 734 8th St, Oakmont, PA 15139
We have a distinguished heritage in crafting both bronze and granite headstones that honor your loved ones with respect and dignity.
  • Leveraging our century-long experience in the business
  • 734 8th St, Oakmont, PA 15139
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  • 734 8th St
    Oakmont, PA 15139, UNITED STATES
9:00 am - 5:00 pm


We have a distinguished heritage in crafting both bronze and granite headstones that honor your loved ones with respect and dignity.


Monument Maker
Headstone Maker
Tombstone Maker
Stone Monument Maker
Bronze Headstones
Granite Headstones
Bronze Grave Markers
Monument Marker
Granite Grave Markers
Flat Headstone Marker


Established in 1901, Restelli Monument Works is a reputable monument maker, serving Springville, PA, Verona, PA, and the surrounding areas. We have a distinguished heritage in crafting both bronze and granite headstones that honor your loved ones with respect and dignity. Leveraging our century-long experience in the business, we continue to provide unparalleled craftsmanship coupled with a personal touch, ensuring every monument stands as a testament of time and a piece of art. Reach out to us today, to etch your heartfelt feelings into everlasting stone.
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