One Global Faith

    Find the meaning of life, the purpose of life, the importance of Religion and some of the logical proofs of the existence of God.
    One Global Faith
    Liked On 18 January 2019
    The meaning of an individual’s life is something that they choose to give it. Well, you can visit us at One Global Faith and make your life meaningful. Click here at
    What is the Meaning of Life? | Baha'i Beliefs oneglobalfaith.org What is the meaning of life? Why are we here, and what are we striving for? Is there a purpose to human existence?

    One Global Faith
    Liked On 10 January 2019
    World peace is the concept of an ideal state of freedom, happiness, and peace within and among all people and nations on earth. For further information, please visit https://www.oneglobalfaith.org/bahai-faith/bahai-beliefs/world-peace/
    World Peace & Collective Security. Avoiding World War oneglobalfaith.org World War and conflict can be eradicated. There is a permanent solution to be found in international collective security.

    One Global Faith
    Liked On 05 January 2019
    God may not be provable by mathematical formulae or properties of physics, but we live in an era where the proof of an Intelligent Designer is all around us. Here we discuss some of the proofs of the existence of God, please visit!
    #DoesGodExist #ProofOfGod #ProofGodExists
    Does God Exist? A Proof of God | Baha'i Beliefs oneglobalfaith.org Does God Exist? Although recognition of God is dependent on the condition of the heart, here we discuss some of the proofs of the existence of God

    One Global Faith
    Liked On 28 December 2018
    Why Is #Religion #Important
    #Purpose Of #Religion
    Religion plays an important part in people's lives and it is a great source of inspiration, meaning, and controversy in human culture. For Further Details, Please Visit:
    Why Is Religion Important? oneglobalfaith.org Why Is Religion Important? - Human nobility is the result of education. It is not innate.

    One Global Faith
    Liked On 24 December 2018
    Ever wondered How to Find God? How to Love God? Where is He? What does He do & How can we find Him. One Global Faith offers these answers & many more.
    How to Find God - Where are you God? oneglobalfaith.org How can one find God and increase faith in Him? What causes a soul to either draw near to God, or to drift away from his God?

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