We all know that sunscreen is good for us. Not only does it prevent us from the harmful effects of UVA and UVB rays of the sun, but it also prevents our skin from ageing prematurely. No matter how much you detest putting on a lotion during summers, it is imperative that you give your skin the basic care it needs, regardless of its oily or dry nature. That being said, there are still some myths that most people believe in when it comes to sunscreen, and we are here to bust them!
Just because a day happens to be cloudy doesn’t mean that you don’t need to slather on sunscreen! Cloud cover only gives you SPF 5 protection, which is mostly negligible when it comes to battling with harmful rays of the sun. So make sure that you slather on enough product so that your skin remains free from the effect of UVB and UVA rays, irrespective of it being cloudy or not!
While it might sound tempting to believe in, the SPF factor of your sunscreen has absolutely nothing to do with how long it lasts. Whether you’ve got the best sunscreen for dry skin or oily skin, SPF numbers are there to determine how efficiently it would protect your skin from UVB and UVA rays, and not on the number of hours it would last! Ideally, you should be applying a sunscreen every two hours for maximum protection!
Just because you’re in water doesn’t mean that you would be prevented from the harmful effects of UVB rays from the sun! Well, did you know that these rays can even penetrate water, especially if you’re in a water body of shallow depth? On top of that, the sunlight that reflects from the water’s surface can lead to increased exposure to UV rays, thus causing double the damage. So invest in a waterproof sunscreen with a higher SPF when you’re planning a day out in the water!
Now that we’ve busted the most common sunscreen myths for you, don’t forget to slather on a generous amount the next time you step out of the house!