Landmark Plaza, Argwings Kodhek Rd Nairobi, Nairobi County 00100, KENYA
Mombo is built on 3 core values that we share with our loyal members. With these values in mind, everything about Mombo from the day-to-day running to improvements to our smart loan app is made to better More
Convenient, secure and accessible from every smartphone. Find out how the new Mombo loan app features, transform your finances with mobile loans. Visit us at
Accessing loans ,saving and earning locally or from the diaspora via Mombo Sacco
Technology has taken the financial sector by storm, Saccos not being left behind. Watch and listen to how Mombo Sacco has revolutionised the financial sector.
The First digital Sacco in
Mombo Sacco is a back office digital savings and credit co-operative society in Kenya. Click this link to learn more