• South Africa
Mobu is a one-stop solution for the netigens, looking for the best and most secure online payment method.
  • Crypto & MOBU
  • South Africa
Always Open


MOBU has tried and tested all the models around the world. The most common model probably is paying a broker dealer or fundraising partner 30-50k USD upfront to get introduced to 20 odd screened investors More
Added on 07 October 2021
#MOBU originally was an ERC20 token but intends to upgrade to their own advanced blockchain solution. Founder, #Juan Engelbrecht has been innovative since the beginning of crypto and believes MOBU has the potential to become the currency of Africa as it is simply more efficient. https://www.spreaker.com/user/14779143

Added on 28 September 2021
#MOBU's goal is to become the world's cheapest payment solution, and we eagerly await their game-changing innovation. The MOBU currency has the potential to become Africa's currency because it has all of the characteristics of a perfect monetary value exchange, focusing on both high volume and low value transactions, and it is one of the few truly scalable blockchains. A secure network allowing almost real-time transacting with remarkable low fees. https://youtu.be/JOkIawWpWgk

Added on 23 September 2021
#MOBU’s CEO Juan Engelbrecht has presented in over 30 countries his approach and insights to the future of banking and digital securities and in the process shared some valuable insights on the state of the African financial services sector. They have launched their own exchange of monetary value or digital currency to be used in several real-world businesses as a more efficient way to transact as the average cross-border transaction in Africa is around 16% in fees. https://youtu.be/wM2lRiHeUOw

Added on 14 September 2021
Mr. #Juan Engelbrecht the CEO of #MOBU introduced a digital investment bank with an aim of affordable payments shifting its focus from security tokens.

Added on 11 September 2021
#MOBU has congregated a sizable investor network and wants to integrate their payment system for businesses, where they will continue to assist exceptional businesses in raising capital in the form of stock, as there has been no major security token offering. Most ICOs had misled about their actual raise. Juan believes that security tokens are ahead of their time in Africa as of now; many innovations are required to make a stable consistency in the market as compared to a

Added on 27 August 2021
MOBU token is getting a handle on the contemplation of merchandisers and has amassed good sums of holders. As the alliance is innovation based all the exchanges are done through an automated stage making it effectively accessible to its patrons. The MOBU token has the likelihood to become the currency of Africa as it has all traits of a perfect exchange of monetary value catering for high volume and low value transacting. Africa remains an unbanked population of 66%