M Beauty Studio

    M Beauty Studio - A salon that renders the best Microblading in CT
      • 200 Indian River Road
        Orange, 06477,


    M Beauty Studio - A salon that renders the best Microblading in CT


    Microblading CT
    Microblading Eyebrows in CT
    3D Microblading Eyebrows CT
    Microblading Eyebrows CT
    3D Microblading CT
    Microblading Training CT
    Eyelash Extensions CT
    Eyelash Training CT
    Best Microblading Training
    Microblading Training USA
    Lash Extension


    M Beauty Studio is one of the best service providers of Microblading eyebrows in CT. 3D microblading eyebrows CT, Microblading eyebrows CT, 3D microblading CT, etc. are the specialties of our salon. Our salon is owned by highly experienced and certified professionals who also render the best Microblading training CT and Eyelash training CT to various students to help them enter in the beauty industry with adequate knowledge. Not only these, Eyelash extensions CT is also the best part of our services. Get hold of our professionals’ team and get the awesome experience of best Microblading eyebrows and eyelash extensions like never before.