Mantic Point Solutions Ltd

  • Round Foundry Media Centre, Foundry Street, Leeds, Yorkshire
corporate traveller mobile app
  • Corporate Travel Management
  • Round Foundry Media Centre, Foundry Street, Leeds, Yorkshire
  • Round Foundry Media Centre, Foundry Street
    Leeds, Yorkshire LS11 5QP, UNITED KINGDOM


corporate traveller mobile app


Corporate Travel Management


Is corporate travelling management taking up too much of your time? Pay attention to core business operations and let Mantic Point take care of your corporate management requirements. Our experts have designed an easy-to-use interface for end-to-end corporate travel management. The complete platform handles all aspects including risk management, travel experience, itinerary delivery, the duty of care and more with a single dashboard. On the other hand, if you don’t need everything the platform has to offer, you have the option to pick standalone applications that meet your specific requirements. Let us help you stay one step ahead of disruption. Visit our website for more information.
