Lofty Loftman

  • London
I have a website about loft conversions
  • Loft Conversions
  • London


I have a website about loft conversions


loft conversions
attic conversions
home improvements


Loft Conversions in London

Not everyone can find the money to move house as of late, with real estate prices increasing and expenses spiraling. There are far more fees than just the price of a new home to take into consideration, the physical act of house costs money and there will be lots of additional costs to look at. Nonetheless moving house is not the only solution open to you if you find that your family is outgrowing your existing property.

You could extend your current home to create extra space but even this can be quite expensive and may depend upon your ability to get the necessary planning permission. Another potential option is a garage conversion, which would be much cheaper although will depend on you actually having a garage and not needing it for your car. A fantastic solution which should add value to your current home without adding to the property footprint, is to convert your loft.

In the last decade, for the reasons given above, loft conversions have gotten more popular than ever in London. It is essential, before you take the plunge, that you check whether your house is in fact well suited for a loft conversion. Properties that have got trussed roofs are not really suitable. Some older properties that were built prior to the 1970's are likely to be great for loft conversions as they were built using solid rafters and there was typically a lot of headroom.
