Life Work Wellness

We offer a range of services to positively impact organizational health and safety with a focus on workshops and training for employee resilience and mental wel
  • We are Speakers & leading experts in Mental Health & Workplace Wellness
  • Winnipeg, MB Canada
We offer a range of services to positively impact organizational health and safety with a focus on workshops and training for employee resilience and mental wel
  • We are Speakers & leading experts in Mental Health & Workplace Wellness
  • Winnipeg, MB Canada
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  • Winnipeg, Manitoba CANADA
Always Open


We offer a range of services to positively impact organizational health and safety with a focus on workshops and training for employee resilience and mental wel


Mental health speaker
Wellness speaker
Mental health counsellor
Workplace mental health speaker
Corporate wellness speaker


Are you suffering from severe stress due to excessive workload? It is very common to get stress, anxiety, and emotional imbalance due to excess work-related burdens. However, we offer a solution for your issue! Shannon Gander, the expert counsellor of Life Work Wellness, helps enhance the mental strength and abilities of the workers with resilience through workshops and counselling sessions. It will help you flourish at work, thrive in your life, and adapt yourself to an organizational culture in a healthy way. We also work with organizations to motivate employees to conquer their mental challenges and deliver the best of their work which makes a resilient workforce. To get our expert advice, get in touch with us today! 

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