letstalk health

    letstalk health

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    Added on 08 August 2018
    Perhaps you have heard about Diabetes Mellitus and wondered what it really means or why it is such a serious issue in medical practice that has made it gather this level of attention from medical practitioners all around the world. Just maybe you or your loved ones has a case of Diabetes and the question in your heart is; is there any Diabetology doctor near me? Or you are in the Neighborhood and you are wondering who is the Best Diabetologist here in Ahmedabad. This post is just for you.

    Let me start by letting you know that diabetes mellitus, is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood glucose (blood sugar). This is usually because insulin production is inadequate in the patient's body, or his or her body cells do not respond properly to insulin or both in some cases. Patients with high blood sugar will typically experience polyuria (frequent urination), they will become increasingly thirsty (polydipsia) and hungry (polyphagia).
    In 2013 alone, it was estimated that more than 382 million people suffer from diabetes from all around the world. Type 1 Diabetes is such where the body does not produce insulin and it accounts for approximately 10% of all diabetes cases while Type 2 Diabetes is such that the body does not produce enough insulin for proper functioning and approximately 90% of all cases of diabetes worldwide are as a result of this.
    Should you know a diabetes patient asking; is there any Diabetology doctor near me? Or you just want to know who the Best Diabetologist in Ahmedabad is. search no further, visit Ask Apollo today.

    Find Best Diabetologist in Ahmedabad - https://www.askapollo.com/physical-appointment/doctorsearch/ahmedabad/diabetologist

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