Midwest Institute for Addiction Kansas City

    Midwest Institute for Addiction Kansas City multi-disciplinary team provides medical, psychiatric, and behavioral services that include visits with our medical
    • Midwest Institute for Addiction Kansas City is a best Rehab
    • 1512 NE 96th St
      Liberty, 64068,


    Midwest Institute for Addiction Kansas City multi-disciplinary team provides medical, psychiatric, and behavioral services that include visits with our medical


    Addiction Treatment Kansas City


    Midwest Institute for Addiction Kansas City multi-disciplinary team provides medical, psychiatric, and behavioral services that include visits with our medical doctor, psychiatrist, individual therapists, family, and couple therapists, group therapists, dietitian, health and wellness experts, mindfulness and meditation experts, and more. In conjunction with these services, clients undergo continual medical monitoring with toxicology and blood work, psychological assessments, medication management including Suboxone and Vivitrol®, and additional ancillary services.