Jina Berro

  • 115 W. 8th Ave Ste. 360 Eugene, Oregon 97401, Australia
  • Get The Best Health Advice From Jina Berro
  • 115 W. 8th Ave Ste. 360 Eugene, Oregon 97401, Australia


Jina Berro is the Best Certified Health Coach. Get the best guidance from the expert of Michigan. She turns to a customized plan to help clients reach their maximum potential and inner peace. She learned More


Added on 17 May 2022
Jina Berro is a certified health and wellness coach based in Detroit, Michigan. She specialize­s in lifestyle and mindset changes, prompting a positive, healthy, mental and physical approach to one’s life. For More Visit- https://www.neurowellcoach.com/
Address - Metro Detroit Area, Michigan
Contact - (734) 315-0471
Email - jina.berro@gmail.com
Life Coaching | NeuroWell coach, Health and wellness neurowellcoach.com health and wellness coaching, achieve your goals and dreams, manifest your future....