Jasper Colin

  • 12 E 49th St 11th Floor, New York, NY 10017, United States
  • Invincible Epitomes of Market Research and Consulting Indust
  • 12 E 49th St 11th Floor, New York, NY 10017, United States
Added on 28 August 2020
The importance of fraud detection and prevention system is to minimize losses by detecting and stopping fraud in real-time across banking channels like fraudulent transactions, credit card fraud, fake insurance claim, and potential loan defaulter. Jasper Colin Research builds a predictive model that allows efficiently detect the different types of frauds and preventing a recurrence.

Visit Website: https://bit.ly/2BziJ2n

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Jasper Colin Research strives to be a global leader in collecting accountable and actionable market intelligence through best-in-class data collection and market research services by incorporating latest More
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