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    Added on 16 May 2020

    How To Relieve Your Exam Anxiety with NCERT Books?

    16 May 2020

    The main reason for the low marks in exams is anxiety. Anxiety-related issues are rising fast in the country and it has become extremely important to combat this dreadful situation. NCERT has taken some bold steps to reduce exam-related stress for Class X students. It has made some curtailments to its previous year's books and has published a revised book and syllabus. The new syllabus has gone a long way in helping students get rid of their anxiety levels.  So, in this matter, it can be said that NCERT has taken some crucial steps to reduce exam anxiety and other boards have also followed the approach.  

    The natural cause of anxiety is stress and your body negatively responds to this kind of negative emotion. This stress level increases rapidly during exams which cause loss of concentration, increased heartbeat, and fatigue. So, a student needs to be calm during the exam and in this article, we will discuss a few steps to curb this menace.

    Plan a timetable prior to your class 10 Board Exams

    It is very important to plan an orderly schedule for your exams. This helps you to chalk out a time to devote equal times to all your subjects in a disciplined way.  Your timetable should also give importance to the weak subjects and sufficient time to the other subjects. The NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths by Vedantu will help you to clear your mathematical doubts much more easily and help you to plan out a study time during your exams. Chalking out a proper task before starting your study should help you to overcome your anxiety since you will be over-prepared.

    Taking Frequent Breaks

    You can’t take frequent breaks as this would add to your anxiety. So you need to take frequent study breaks and soak in the fresh air. It will help you to stay fresh during and before the exams and help you to concentrate much better. Research has shown that study breaks are an important component for exam preparation and reducing unwanted anxiety. Study breaks help you to stay fresh and start preparation with vigour. You can take a short nap, watch a movie or take a short walk.

    Get a Healthy Diet

    Healthy diets are an important part of staying active and reducing your stress during the exam. Try to avoid carbonated drinks and caffeine during exams. You should drink plenty of fluids during your exam and have your fill of Omega-3.  You should exercise regularly to stay active throughout the day. A healthy diet goes a long way in helping you to stay active during exams and chart a healthy exam routine. A healthy body promotes a healthy mind and helps you to score high in the exams.

    Read Solution Books

    There are lots of solution papers published by NCERT which helps the student to prepare well for the exams. NCERT Books Class 10 is prepared by experts and it helps to reduce exam anxiety to a great extent. NCERT books offer in-depth chapter wise summary which helps a student to build their subjects and gather extensive knowledge. Practising these solutions books makes you confident and thus helps you to prepare your exams in a better way. So, read extensively, practice the books regularly and stay stress-free during the exams.  

    Prepare each Chapter independently  

    Take extra preparation for your weaker chapters and build your preparation by reading each chapter separately. NCERT books have detailed summary at the end of each chapter which would help you to prepare for the chapter.  The books are made with extensive preparations with highlighted texts which makes it easier for a student to get the required information in a short time. The Chapter also contains researched materials which help to understand the nuances of the subjects. This ultimately helps you to stay focused during your exam and reduces your anxiety considerably.

    Practice Meditation Regularly

    It is a great idea to start practising regular mediation which has effective healing properties. Meditation is also known as calming techniques that help to reduce your anxiety sufficiently. You can also consult a reputed psychologist to calm your nerves and reduce your anxiety. Keep your mind free from clutter and practice deep breathing techniques and stay calm throughout your exam.

    Set Regular Study Goals

    A great way to reduce exam anxiety is by setting short term study goals without pushing yourself too hard. These would help you to reduce your anxiety to a great extent because you would prepare for your exams beforehand.

    Stay focused, practice hard and don’t take hard knocks before your exam. You can consult online study materials from reputed e-learning Edu-tech sites and stay free of exam pressure.

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