Hospice Care

    • 1129 Northern Boulevard, suite 404J
      Manhasset, NY 11030, UNITED STATES


    Guardianship Law Attorney
    Elder Law Attorney
    Probate Lawyer
    Will Preparation Lawyer
    Asset Management And Protection
    Estate Planning Lawyer
    Irrevocable Trust
    Living Will Lawyer
    Trust Law Attorney
    Last Will And Testament Lawyer


    When many people think of sheltering their assets, they tend to wonder
    if this is legal. Not only is it perfectly legal, but when done by an
    attorney who understands how to navigate the complexities associated
    with Medicaid rules and regulations, is completely ethical and a smart
    choice for families who have income and assets they need to protect in
    order to maintain their standard of living. While initially unknown to
    many people as a viable option, it has become very popular in recent
    years as the preferred method of planning for long-term care.

    If you or your loved one is in hospice care without prior legal
    preparation, we understand that you’ll have a number of concerns that
    require immediate attention. In consideration of this, we provide
    on-call legal aid at any time of day or night for our clients in Long
    Island. We can dispatch a certified legal assistant to help draft and
    sign paperwork, provide legal counseling to patients and relatives
    alike, and explain the options available both for medical assistance
    and estate planning at the end-of-life stage.
