Frost Integrated Pest Management

Providing Superior Pest Control Services in Portland, OR and all surrounding areas.
  • 435 Southeast 85th Avenue, Portland, OR 97216
Providing Superior Pest Control Services in Portland, OR and all surrounding areas.
  • 435 Southeast 85th Avenue, Portland, OR 97216
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  • 435 Southeast 85th Avenue, Portland, OR 97216
    Portland, Oregon 97216, UNITED STATES
8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Providing Superior Pest Control Services in Portland, OR and all surrounding areas.


Frost Integrated Pest Management is a trustworthy pest control company owned by a grandfather and grandson team. We've been serving Portland, OR and all surrounding areas for more than 12 years, and we have over 30 years of industry experience. Our dedication to serving our customers and commitment to providing high-quality pest control services sets us apart from the rest.

We serve both residential and commercial clients. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.
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